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Links For You

This was originally just a section in my links page. I was worried that it was getting too long, so I decided to house it on its own page instead. Have fun surfing the net!

  • Legend of the Glorio Heroes
      A podcast that chronicles the reactions of two guys watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes for the first time. Both funny and insightful, this podcast is a treat for any LoGH fan.
  • Cyborg 009: The Long Road to an Ending
      An amazing write-up on the history of the Cyborg 009 manga and the struggles of its creator to conclude it. Even if you aren't a Cyborg 009 fan, I highly suggest reading this article as a cautionary tale about giving into the pressure of others.
  • The Fukui Ei’ichi Incident and the Prehistory of Komaga-Gekiga
      A very interesting article about Tezuka's (most notable for pioneering the post War World II manga industry) petty squabble with fellow mangaka Fukui Ei’ichi (creator of Igaguri-kun and Bat Kid) and how it led to the techniques commonly found in many proto-Gekiga manga. It also touches on the events that transpired after Ei’ichi's death.
  • Teeaboo
      Makes reaction and analysis videos on many anime & manga series. My favorite is his Odd Taxi reaction series.
  • Kazuhiko Shimamoto's Zekkyo University
      Mangaka Kazuhiko Shimamoto's (creator of Blue Blazes and Burning Transfer Student) Youtube channel where he talks about random shit for an hour (technically two hours if you become a channel member! You can pay to watch this man talk about things!!). I'm so obsessed with his enthusiam. He's in his 60's but he has the energy of a young adult, it's so awesome. Unfortunately, none of his videos have english subtitles.
  • Urasawa Channel
      Mangaka Naoki Urasawa's (creator of 20th Century Boys, Monster, etc.) Youtube channel. Provides useful tips for aspiring manga artists.
  • Inspirashamul
      My friend who makes amazing analysis videos on the manga Houseki no Kuni and other series he's interested in. Go check him out, he's great!
  • Jonny Kennedy: The Man Whose Skin Fell Off
      (Content warning for discussions of death) Showcases the final months of Jonny Kennedy, a man who had a rare skin condition that gave way to cancer. It's such a beautiful documentary, the ending makes me cry every time I watch it.
  • Inaccessible
      Interactive article detailing the experience of browsing the web with a disability, and a plea for those to make the web more accessible.
  • Springhole
      A site full of useful articles for writers.
  • Pose Search
      Easy to use tool for finding references for specific parts of the human body.
  • Reference Angle
      A tool for practicing drawing human heads at different angles.
  • PPPalette
      In depth color palette generator.
  • SuperCook
      Find recipes using ingredients you have at home.
  • Quite a Playlist
      Find unavailable and private videos in Youtube playlists. Especially useful for larger playlists.
      A free to use downloader for a variety of social media platforms.
  • Stress Analyst
      A webpage to help you calm down after a stressful experience.
  • Just the Recipe
      Get recipe instructions from cooking sites without the fluff that comes with them.
      Be a cat, play the bongos (or other instruments).
  • Beedogs
      Look at pictures of dogs in bee costumes.
  • Fancons
      Find a convention near you.
  • Spotalike
      Enter a song, and the site will give you playlist of songs that are similar.
      Collection of tools that help you break down tasks into smaller chunks.
  • How to Get On
      A self-advocacy guide for those who are disabled in the US. While the website has a special focus on those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, anyone disabled are free to use their resources.
  • What The Fuck Just Happened Today?
      A website dedicated to archiving the shenanigans of national politics in a quick, digestable format. Useful if you hate reading long news articles.
  • Manben
      Documentary series hosted by Naoki Urasawa (creator of 20th Century Boys, Monster, etc.). Serves to educate viewers about the manga making process by filming mangaka for several days as they work on their current serialization. Very interesting series.
  • The Tragedy Of SMLWiki
      (Content warning for flashing lights and a couple jumpscares) An overview and analysis of a 'wiki' website that I've never heard of based around a web series that I've never watched. Despite this, I was engaged from beginning to end about this insane horror/shitpost project. If your interested, you should definitely check out the website after watching this video, it's fascinating stuff.